Website Monetization & Revenue Generation
From Arcana Trading Company Inc.
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Make it earn its keep.
You have a website and now you want it to start earning revenue. Or you want more revenue from your current monetization efforts. Arcana will work with you to optimize the revenue potential of your products and platforms, while developing a strategy built around definitive goals. Furthermore, we'll recommend a mix of alternatives -- from integrated advertising, premium sponsorship opportunities, e-commerce initiatives, subscriptions, and custom offerings -- to achieve those objectives.
What can we do?
The first step is knowing where you are and the second is knowing where you want to go. If you don't have a baseline, Arcana can work with you to collect the necessary stats and present them in a relevent and meaningful way. From the baseline, we can create realistic revenue goals, and a timeline for meeting those goals.
There are no boundaries to the monetization channels we explore. We believe a multi-channel approach is usually best for maximizing your returns fastest.
While the strategy is being implemented, we can help you monitor its progress and adjust to take advantage of new opportunities.
How does it work?
To measure success, we need to know where we started. For this reason, we create a Monetization Baseline Report. It contains the current state of your monetization initiatives, evaluated against key performance indicators (KPI). It remains as the record of how things were before we started.
The second phase is the creation of a Monetization Plan. Depending on your baseline, this may contain entirely new initiatives, or it may contain enhancements to your existing initiatives. The plan also contains progress goals, measured against the same KPIs as in the Baseline Report.
As part of the plan, we will include a series of progress reports which will monitor actual progress against the planned goals, using the KPIs as the currency of success.
The Monetization Review is the final progress report, combined with a review of the strategy implementation and options for future improvements.
How quickly can we make an impact?
Before any meaningful impact can be made, the Baseline Report is needed. If you have the data easily accessible, we can complete the Baseline Report in about a week.
The Monetization Plan usually takes longer, but with a phased approach, some actions make be possible after a week of investigation. Other actions will take longer to plan.
In the interest of realizing gains as soon as possible, we aim to have some measureable results by the end of the first month, though this is dependent on your level of commitment.
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